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Molly’s Minute: Presence Over Performance

January 21, 2020

Have you ever been given something to do, like a project at work or a favor for a friend, and completely dropped the ball on it?

I know I have, and it does not feel great. You’re not only disappointed in yourself, but you also know you let somebody else down.

Sometimes we feel like we let God down like that, too. He gives us something to do, and we fail, and we feel like He’s disappointed in us.

If you feel like you’re letting God down today, I want you to soak in this quote from Rebekah Lyons:

God cares more about your presence than your performance.

God cares that you say, “Here I am, send me where you want to send me. Lord, here I am, I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” 

He knows you might fail. He knows you’ll fall short sometimes. But He forgives you when you do, and He is not disappointed in you because of your failure

No, He’s proud of you because you’re where He asked you to be, He delights in you following His lead, and He loves you no matter how many times you fail.

Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!'”

Remember, if you ever need prayer for something going on in your life, you always have someone to turn to. I’m always here for you. You can send prayer requests to me at

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