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A Letter from Molly Chambers

March 28, 2024

To my BRIGHT-FM family,

Have I ever told you that you are one of my loftiest dreams come true and biggest prayers answered?

As a kid jamming along to WRBS—and then SHINE-FM—in the back of my parents’ red minivan, I never would have imagined that I would be one of the DJs I heard in between the songs. Even once I got older and decided I wanted to pursue a career in broadcasting, I hardly dared to picture a future that would include being on the Afternoon Show. But I hoped for it. When the opportunity presented itself, I prayed for it.

And God answered that prayer. He placed me on the Afternoon Show with Jack in 2019.

For four and a half years, that role has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. It’s been a privilege to be your friend—to lean on Jesus, grow in our faith, and have fun together every day.

Now, though, God has answered another of my family’s prayers. My husband, Vaughn, and I are getting ready to welcome our baby boy in April. I have a new role being assigned to me: Mom. And in order to give that role the time and attention it deserves, I’ve made the prayerful decision to step away from Afternoons on BRIGHT-FM.

Your good friend Jack Larkin will still be there with you every day, and I won’t be gone from BRIGHT-FM for good! My last day on the Afternoon Show before maternity leave will be April 5th. But I’ll return to the ministry in July and continue to contribute to its mission in my role as Music Director.

I’m so grateful to the leadership here at BRIGHT-FM who gave me a chance as a 22-year-old college graduate, and who created space for me to remain part of things at this ministry amidst life changes. I’m grateful to Jack for showing me the ropes, making me laugh (and roll my eyes), and becoming a true friend to me during our time together in the studio. I’m grateful to you for welcoming me with open arms four and a half years ago and choosing to spend time with Jack and me in the afternoons. And I’m grateful to the one true God who has been kinder to me than I deserve, who hears my prayers, and who answers.

I’ll miss you. And yet I feel so much peace, knowing that He is with me, with you, and with BRIGHT-FM. He has so much good ahead for us.

Simply, thank you. Our time together has been a blast and will always be special to me.

See you later!

Your friend,

Molly Chambers

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